Homeschooling on a Hundred Bucks

Poem: “November, 1806” by William Wordsworth 

Statement of the Whole:  Many today believe that success in education is determined by the budget given to it.  The home schooling movement is pushing back on that adage.  Jason and Steve conduct a thought experiment using the notion that a great year of home schooling can be done on a budget of just $100.  Listen in as they describe ideas that may humor you, may shock you, but hopefully will convince you that education does not have to be an expensive endeavor. 

How Do You Teach Several Students at Once?

Poem:  none 

Statement of the Whole: This question, from a listener, has elements of several issues in it.  What do we do when we have multiple students learning in a given classroom with differing levels of performance and ability?  And what do we do, especially in home education, when we have differing ages and levels of maturity in the same context?  Jason and Steve consider all this and more on this episode from the Backporch. 

Estimating Your Student Rightly

Poem:  Leaves Compared With Flowers, by Robert Frost 

Statement of the Whole: Expectations come from our estimate of what a student should be able to do.  How do we avoid either over or under estimating our students?  Jason and Steve respond to this question from a listener.  Join in the discussion of how low or high the bar should be set. 

The Joy of Choice in Home Education?

Poem:  Introduction to Poetry, By Billy Collins 

Statement of the Whole: Some folk copy the state school curriculum and just teach at home.  Some call almost any activity a part of the curriculum.  One of the great joys of home educating is the freedom to choose what is right for your child.  Jason and Steve tease out the happy medium in home education between a draconian curriculum and none at all.  Can curriculum come out and play?