The Role of Seminar in Education, with John Donohue

Poem: none 

Statement of the Whole: Talking.  Conversation.  Dialectic.  Can words that pass between us really change the world?  In this podcast, Steve brings in a guest, John Donohue, to chat about the use of Seminar in education.  What are the benefits and possible pitfalls of just having a conversation be the central method of a classroom?  Join in the conversation. 


Great book on using Seminar with younger readers: Socratic Circles 

Steve’s written description of his high school Seminar Course 

Old video about Steve’s community roundtable, an evening type of Seminar for high schoolers in his town 

Whatcha Got in the Steam Pot? How Do Teachers Relax?

Our Annual National Teacher Appreciation Day Show 

Poem: “Italian Food” by Shel Silverstein 

Statement of the Whole:  This is our second annual National Teacher Appreciation Day Show.  To celebrate, Jason and Steve have fun discussing what “down time” looks like for a teacher.  What does one who loves to teach all day do to take it easy?  Because they both find cooking relaxing, that is what is in the pot for this episode.  Try some of their relaxation stew. 


Link to Steve’s infrequent foray into food blogging: Bringing It to the Table 

Jason’s Onion Ring recipe: click here 

For those who want to enter the fragrant and soothing scene of offset smoking, click here

Salt: A World History 

The Art of Teaching